東華大學材料學院 碩士研究生
内蒙古師範大學化學系 本科生
1. Surface properties of poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN) precipitation polymerized in supercritical CO2 and the influence of molecular weight。SHEN Qing, HU jian-feng, GU-Qing-feng, Teng Xing-rong. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 267:2, 333-336 (2003).
2. Characterization of the surface properties of xylan by FT-Raman spectroscopy and wicking technique。Shen Q., Zhong L., Hu J. F. 【Colloids and Surfaces B】39: 195-198(2004).
3.Re-characterization of the surface free energy of non-ionic cellulose ethers by means of column wicking technique。Shen, Q., Wang, ZX, Hu JF, and Gu QF.【Colloid and Surface A.】240, 107-110 (2004).
4.Examination of the surface properties of cellulose by column wicking technique and observed the critical packing height。SHEN Qing, HU Jian-feng 【Chinese J. Polymer Sci.】22:1,33-37 (2004).