1. 石油化工催化劑的合成;
2. 綠色化學、烷基化反應研究。
1. 國家自然科學基金,基于離子液體及固體酸優勢的新型異丁烷烷基化催化劑的設計與研究,2018/01-2021/12,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金,基于離子液體的異丁烷烷基化反應機理與功能化設計研究,2013/01-2016/12,主持。
3. 國家自然科學基金,非氯鋁酸性離子液體異丁烷烷基化催化劑研究,2009/01-2011/12,主持。
4. 内蒙古自然科學基金,具有高選擇性的小分子烴類烷基化催化劑的制備與多尺度研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持
1. Liu, G.; Wu, G.; Liu, Ying*; Hu, R.; Gao, G. Theoretical Study on the C4 Alkylation Mechanism Catalyzed by Cu-Containing Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids. Fuel 2022, 310, 122379.
2. Wu, G.; Liu, Ying*.; Liu, G.; Hu, R.; Gao, G. Role of Aromatics in Isobutane Alkylation of Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids: Insights from Aromatic-Ion Interaction. J. Catal. 2021, 396, 54–64.
3. Wu, G.; Liu, Ying*; Liu, G.; Hu, R.; Gao, G. Characterizing the Electronic Structure of Ionic Liquid/Benzene Catalysts for the Isobutane Alkylation. J. Mol. Liq. 2021, 328, 115411.
4. Liu, Ying*; Wu, G.; Pang, X.; Hu, R. Kinetics Study on Alkylation of Isobutane with Deuterated 2-Butene in Composite Ionic Liquids. Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 387, 123407.
5. Liu, Ying*; Wu, G.; Hu, R.; Gao, G. Effects of Aromatics on Ionic Liquids for C4 Alkylation Reaction: Insights from Scale-up Experiment and Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 402, 126252.
6. Liu, Ying*; Wu, G.; Pang, X.; Gao, G. Isobutane Alkylation with 2-Butene in Novel Ionic Liquid/Solid Acid Catalysts. Fuel 2019, 252, 316–324.
7. Wang, Y.; Hu, R.; Liu, Ying; Li, G.; Cheng, T.; Zhou, Q.; Jin, Z. The Enhanced Catalytic Performance of Mg2+-Doped CuCr2O4 Catalyst in Ethane Oxychlorination. J. Catal. 2019, 373, 228–239.
8. Liu, Ying*; Liu, G.; Wu, G.; Hu, R. Alkylation of Isobutane and 2-Butene in Rotating Packed-Bed Reactors: Using Ionic Liquid and Solid Acid as Catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59 (33), 14767–14775.
9. Wen Li, Ying Liu*, Lihong Wang, Guanjun Gao, Using ionic liquid mixtures to improve the SO2 absorption performance in flue gas [J], Energy Fuels, 31 (2017) 1771–1777.
10. Ying Liu*, Lihong. Wang, Rui Li, Ruisheng Hu, Reaction mechanism of ionic liquid catalyzed alkylation: Alkylation of 2-butene with deuterated isobutane [J], Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 421 (2016) 29–36.
11. Ying Liu*, Rui Li, Hongjuan Sun, Ruisheng Hu, Effects of catalyst composition on the ionic liquid catalyzed isobutane/2-butene alkylation [J], Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 398 (2015) 133–139.
12. Ying Liu*, Ruisheng. Hu, Chunming Xu, Haiquan Su, Alkylation of isobutene with 2-butene using composite ionic liquid catalysts [J], Applied Catalysis A: General, 346 (2008) 189–193.
13. Yingnan Cong, Ying Liu*, Ruisheng Hu, Isobutane/2-butene alkylation catalyzed by strong acids in the presence of ionic liquid additives [J], Petroleum Science and Technology, 32 (2014) 1981–1987.
14. Wu, G.; Liu, Ying*; Liu, G.; Pang, X. The CO2 Absorption in Flue Gas Using Mixed Ionic Liquids. Molecules 2020, 25 (5), 1034.
15. Liu, Ying*; Wang, J. Lewis Acidity and Basicity of Mixed Chlorometallate Ionic Liquids: Investigations from Surface Analysis and Fukui Function. Molecules 2018, 23 (10).
16. Wang, J.; Liu, Ying*; Li, W.; Gao, G. Prediction of 1H NMR Chemical Shifts for Ionic Liquids: Strategy and Application of a Relative Reference Standard. RSC Adv. 2018, 8 (50), 28604–28612.
17. Pang, X.; Liu, Ying*; Wang, J. Mixed Chlorometallate Ionic Liquids as C4 Alkylation Catalysts: A Quantitative Study of Acceptor Properties. Catalysts 2018, 8 (11), 28604–28612.
18. Zhang, F.; Guo, H.; Liu, Ying; Liu, F.; Hu, R. Theoretical Study on the Desulfurization Mechanisms of Thiophene and Benzothiophene under Inert and Oxidative Atmospheres. Fuel 2020, 280, 118683.
19. Jinrong Bao, Xiaowei Zhu, Ying Liu, Wenxian Li, Ranbo Yu, N,N-dimethylformamide- induced synthesis and photoluminescence of CePO4 and Ce0.95PO4:Tb0.05 with sphere-like nanostructures [J], Materials Letters, 124 (2014) 97–100.
20. Yang, Y.; Wu, A.; Bai, H.; Bao, J.; Li, W.; Liu, Ying. Synthesis of LaPO4_Eu Nanofibers with Enhanced Photoluminescence Quantum Yield. J. Alloys Compd. 2021, 879, 160477.
21. Zhu, X.; Yang, K.; Wu, A.; Bai, H.; Bao, J.; Qiao, Y.; Yang, Y.; Li, W.; Liu, Ying. Luminescence Studies and Judd–Ofelt Analysis on SiO2@LaPO4:Eu@SiO2 Submicro-Spheres with Different Size of Intermediate Shells. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9 (1), 1–11.
22. Bai, H.; Yang, Y.; Bao, J.; Wu, A.; Qiao, Y.; Guo, X.; Wang, M.; Li, W.; Liu, Ying.; Zhu, X. High-Efficient Fabrication of Core-Shell-Shell Structured SiO2@GdPO4:Tb@SiO2 Nanoparticles with Improved Luminescence. R. Soc. Open Sci. 2020, 7 (5), 1–10.
23. Yingnan Cong, Ying Liu*, Ruisheng Hu, Determination of the presence of composite ions in catalysts and composite ionic liquids-catalyzed isobutane alkylation [J], Advanced Materials Research, 287-290 (2011): 1666–1670 . (EI)
24. 王麗紅, 李瑞, 劉鷹*, 胡瑞生, 離子液體中異丁烷/2-丁烯烷基化反應機理研究[J], 燃料化學學報, 44 (2016) 738–744. (EI)
25. 劉鷹*, 孫宏娟, 叢迎楠, 胡瑞生, Cu 對離子液體異丁烷/ 丁烯烷基化反應選擇性的影響研究[J], 燃料化學學報, 42 (2014) 1010–1016. (EI)
26. 劉鷹*, 胡瑞生, 複合離子液體C4烷基化催化性能的紅外光譜判據研究[J], 石油化工, 37(2008) 733–737. (EI)
1. 劉鷹*, 離子液體在催化工程中的應用, 化學工業出版社, 2008.