2021 年:博士研究生國家獎學金
2021 年:寶鋼教育獎
2019 年:自治區優秀碩士論文
2018 年:澳门京葡娱乐网校長勵學獎
2018 年:碩士研究生國家獎學金
1. 尖晶石電催化材料
2. 過渡金屬電催化材料
3. 單原子電催化材料
2.自治區高等學校碳達峰碳中和研究專項(STZX202209),尖晶石電催化材料的設計合成、缺陷結構調控及電催化性能研究, 2023.1-2025.12,10萬, 主持
3.内蒙古自治區博士研究生科研創新項目(重點項目),Fe-C-N單原子催化劑的控制合成、離子液體表面修飾及電催化性能的影響, 2020-2021,1萬,主持
1. Jing Sun, Hui Xue, Niankun Guo, Tianshan Song, Yuan Kong, Jiangwei Zhang*, Qin Wang*, Unraveling the Synergistic Effect of Heteroatomic Substitution and Vacancy Engineering in CoFe2O4 for Superior Electrocatalysis Performance, Nano Lett. 2022, 22, 3503. (封面論文)
2. Jing Sun, Hui Xue, Niankun Guo, Tianshan Song, Jiangwei Zhang, Qin Wang*, Synergetic Metal Defect and Surface Chemical Reconstruction into NiCo2S4/ZnS Heterojunction to Achieve Outstanding Oxygen Evolution Performance, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 19435. (ESI高被引論文)
4. Jing Sun, Hui Xue, Niankun Guo, Tianshan Song, Yi-ru Hao, Jiangwei Zhang*, Limin Wu*, Qin Wang*, Atomic-Level Modulation of Local Coordination Environment at Fe Single-Atom Sites for Enhanced Oxygen Reduction, Appl. Catal. B Environ. 2022, 313, 121429.
3. Jing Sun, Niankun Guo, Zhiyu Shao, Keke Huang, Yaowen Li, Qin Wang*, A facile strategy to construct amorphous spinel-based electrocatalysts with massive oxygen vacancies using ionic liquid dopant, Adv. Energy Materials. 2018, 8, 1800980. (封面論文)
5. Jing Sun, Niankun Guo, Tianshan Song, Hui Xue*, and Qin Wang*, Revealing the Interfacial Electron Modulation Effect of CoFe Alloys with CoCx Encapsulated in N-doped CNTs for Superior Oxygen Reduction, Adv. Powder Materials. 2022, 1, 100023.
6. Jing Sun, Tianshan Song, Zhiyu Shao, Niankun Guo, Qin Wang*, Interfacial Electronic Structure Modulation of Hierarchical Co(OH)F/CuCo2S4 Nanocatalyst for Enhanced Electrocatalysis and Zn-Air Batteries Performances, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11, 37531. (封面論文)
7. Jing Sun, Yan-Ru Chen, Qin Wang*, Interfacial Electronic Structure and Electrocatalytic Performance Modulation in Cu0.81Ni0.19 Nanoflowers by Heteroatom Doping Engineering Using Ionic Liquid Dopant, Appl. Surf. Sci. 2020, 500, 144052.