2. 國家自然科學基金,摻雜金屬或非金屬的TiO2-粘土納米複合物光催化降解水中有機污染物基礎研究,2011/01-2013/12,主持;
4. 内蒙古自然科學基金,Au/載體催化劑的合成及其光催化性能基礎研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持;
發表本人為通訊或者第一作者,SCI收錄期刊學術論文30篇,其中包括Applied Catalysis B: Environmental一篇。
[1] Jingyi Li,Chuncheng Chen,Jincai Zhao,Huaiyong Zhu,Jason Orthman, Photodegradation of dye pollutants on TiO2nanoparticles dispersed in silicate under UV-VIS irradiation, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,2002,37(4),331-338,SCI收錄
[2] Jingyi Li,Chuncheng Chen,Jincai Zhao,Huaiyong Zhu,Ding Zhe, Photodegradation of dye pollutants on TiO2 pillared bentonites under UV light irradiation, Science In China(Series B),2002, 45(4),445-448,SCI收錄
[3] 李靜誼,陳春城,趙進才,朱懷勇,丁哲, 紫外光照射下染料污染物在二氧化钛柱狀膨潤土上的光降解, 中國科學(B輯),2002,32(3),268-270,SCI收錄
[4] 李靜誼,周煥文,黃世煜,林培滋,林勵吾,焙燒溫度對超細MoO3.B2O3/SiO2催化劑性質及甲烷部分氧化性能的影響,催化學報,1997,18(4),318-320,SCIE收錄
[5] Jingyi Li*, Wanhong Ma, Chuncheng Chen, Jincai Zhao, Huaiyong Zhu, Xueping Gao,Photodegradation of dye pollutants on one-dimensional TiO2 nanoparticles under UV and visible irradiation, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemistry,2007,261(1),131-138,SCI收錄
[6] 李靜誼*,斯琴高娃,劉麗娜,TiO2/膨潤土光催化降解有機污染物,物理化學學報,2007,23(1),16-20,SCIE收錄
[7] 李靜誼*,馬俊華,白圖雅,蘇優樂瑪,氟離子對TiO2/膨潤土光催化降解酸性桃紅的影響,物理化學學報,2007,23(8), 1213-1218,SCIE收錄
[8] Jingyi Li*, Wanhong Ma, Pengxiang Lei, Jincai Zhao, Detection of intermediates in the TiO2-assisted photodegradation of Rhodamine B under visible light irradiation, Journal of Environmental Science,2007,19(7),892-896,SCIE收錄
[9] 李靜誼*,劉麗娜,斯琴高娃,白圖雅,TiO2/斜發沸石光催化降解羅丹明B的研究,感光科學與光化學,2007,25(4), 284-295,EI收錄
[10] 李靜誼*,白圖雅,馬俊華,王文博,紫外光下無機離子對TiO2/沸石光降解酸性桃紅的影響,水處理技術,2008,34(3),15-18
[11] Jingyi Li*, Suyoulema, Wenbo Wang, Sarina, A study of photodegradation of sulforhodamine B on Au–TiO2/bentonite under UV and visible light irradiation, Solid State Sciences, 2009,11(12), 2037-2043,SCI收錄
[12] Ke Chen, Jingyi Li∗, Jie Li, Yumin Zhang, Wenxi Wang, Synthesis and characterization of TiO2–montmorillonites doped with vanadium and/or carbon and their application for the photodegradation of sulphorhodamine B under UV–vis irradiation, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemistry Engineering Aspects,2010, 360(1),47–56,SCI收錄
[13] Ke Chen,Jingyi Li∗, Wenxi Wang,Yumin Zhang,Xiaojing Wang,Haiquan Su, The preparation of vanadium-doped TiO2–montmorillonite nanocomposites and the photodegradation of sulforhodamineB under visible light irradiation,Applied Surface Science, 2011,257(16),7276-7285,SCI收錄
[14] Ke Chen, Jingyi Li*, Wenxi Wang, Yumin Zhang, Xiaojing Wang, Haiquan Su, Effects of surfactants on microstructure and photocatalytic activity of TiO2 nanoparticles prepared by the hydrothermal method, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2012, 15(1),20-26,SCI收錄
[15] Jing Yu, Jingyi Li*, Huili Wei, Jianwei Zheng, Haiquan Su, Xiaojing Wang, Hydrotalcite-supported gold catalysts for a selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol driven by visible light, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemistry, 2014,395,128-136,SCI收錄
[16] Huili Wei, Jingyi Li*, Jing Yu, Jianwei Zheng, Haiquan Su, Xiaojing Wang, Gold nanoparticles supported on metal oxides as catalysts for the direct oxidative esterification of alcohols under mild conditions, Inorganica Chimica Acta,2015,427,33-40,SCI收錄
[17] Jianwei Zheng, Jingyi Li*, Huili Wei,Jing Yu, Haiquan Su, Xiaojing Wang,The investigation of gold/zirconia as a photocatalyst for the direct synthesis of imines from alcohols and aniline, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing,2015,32,131-136,SCI收錄
[18] Dapeng Guo, Yan Wang, Peng Zhao, Meifen Bai, Hui Xin, Zhi Guo, Jingyi Li*,Selective aerobic oxidation of benzyl alcohol driven by visible light on gold nanoparticles supported on hydrotalcite modified by nickel ion, Catalysts, 2016, 6(5), 64(Page 1-13), SCI收錄
[19] Meifen Bai, Hui Xin, Zhi Guo, Dapeng Guo, Yan Wang,Peng Zhao, Jingyi Li*,α-Alkylation of ketones with primary alcohols driven by visible light and bimetallic gold and palladium nanoparticles supported on transition metal oxide, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 391,617-626,SCI收錄
[20] Zhi Guo, Hui Xin, Jingjing Ma, Meifen Bai, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, The preparation of a highly efficient Ag3PO4/Ag/Bi2O2CO3photo-catalyst and the study of its photo-catalytic organic synthesis reaction driven by visible light, Catalysts,2017, 7, 276(1-20), SCI收錄
[21] Xiaoling Liu, Haiying Li, Jingjing Ma, Xiujuan Yu, Yan Wang,Jingyi Li*, Preparation of a Bi2WO6 catalyst and its catalytic performance in an alpha alkylation reaction under visible light irradiation, Molecular Catalysis, 2019,466,157-166,SCI收錄
[22] Jingjing Ma, Xiujuan Yu, Xiaoling Liu, Haiying Li, Xueli Hao, Jingyi Li*, The preparation and photocatalytic activity of Ag-Pd/g-C3N4 for the coupling reaction between benzyl alcohol and aniline, Molecular Catalysis, 2019,476, 110533(1-11), SCI收錄
[23] Xiujuan Yu, Haiying Li, Xueli Hao, Zhiying Zhang, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, Kai Wang, Selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol by Ag/Pd/m-BiVO4 microspheres under visible light irradiation, Catalysts, 2020, 10, 266(1-16) , SCI收錄
[24] Haiying Li, Xiujuan Yu, Xueli Hao, Zhiying Zhang, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, Preparation of Pt/γ-Bi2MoO6 photocatalysts and their performance in α-alkylation reaction under visible light irradiation, Nanomaterials, 2020, 10, 646(1-21) , SCI收錄
[25] Xiujuan Yu, Haiying Li, Xueli Hao, Zhiying Zhang, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, Zhibao Wang, Chunyan Guo, The preparation of Ag/Pd/m-BiVO4 microsphere photocatalysts with different loading modes and their catalytic activity for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol under visible light irradiation, Catalysis Letters, 2020, 150, 3447-3454, SCI收錄
[26] Xueli Hao, Xiujuan Yu, Haiying Li, Zhiying Zhang, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*,The preparation of full-range BiOBr/BiOI heterojunctions and the tunability of their photocatalytic performance during the synthesis of imines under visible light irradiation, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 528, 147015(1-10) , SCI收錄
[27] Xiujuan Yu, Xueli Hao, Haiying Li, Zhiying Zhang, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, Zhibao Wang,Enbo Li, Ultrasound-assisted construction of a Z-scheme heterojunction with g-C3N4 nanosheets and flower-like Bi2WO6 microspheres and the photocatalytic activity in the coupling reaction between alcohols and amines under visible light irradiation, Molecular Catalysis, 2020, 494, 111122(1-12) , SCI收錄
[28] Zhiying Zhang, Xueli Hao, Siqinhaolu Hao, Xiujuan Yu, Yan Wang, Jingyi Li*, Preparation of 2D WO3 nanomaterials and their catalytic performance during the synthesis of imines under visible light irradiation, Molecular Catalysis, 2021, 503, 111427(1-11) , SCI收錄
[29] Zhiying Zhang, Xueli Hao, Siqinhaolu Hao, Jingyi Li*,Preparation of Pd@CuBi2O4 photocatalysts and their performance for selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol under visible light illumination,Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 142, 106499, SCI收錄
[30] Zhiying Zhang, Siqinhaolu Hao, Xueyi Duan, Tinglan Wang, Haiying Li, Guilan Fan, Yanhong Zhao*, Jingyi Li*, Photocatalytic activity of CuBi2O4/WO3 p-n heterojunction photocatalysts in benzyl alcohol oxidation to benzaldehyde, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 968, 172209,SCI收錄
[31] Xueyi Duan, Siqinhaolu Hao, Tinglan Wang, Haiying Li, Guilan Fan, Jingyi Li*, Gold nanoparticles supported on modified dumbbell shaped nanorod cluster CuBi2O4 for the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol under visible light, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2024, 447, 115198,SCI收錄
[32] Xueyi Duan, Tinglan Wang, Kaiyi Sun, Guilan Fan, Jingyi Li*, Efficient photocatalytic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol by nano-Pd/TiO2-x with synergistic effect of oxygen vacancy and shell structure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2024,979,173555,SCI收錄