2、 内蒙古教育廳科研專項,NJZZ14003、2014/01-2016/12、10萬元、已結題、主持。
發表SCI期刊學術論文30餘篇;參編學術專著1部并發表多篇在納米材料及性能研究領域内有一定影響力的文章,被多個國外重點核心期刊如ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, CrystEngComm,Langmuir,Inorganic Chemistry,Chemistry of Materials,Nanotechnology,Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.等收錄,其中多篇影響因子大于4.0,最高影響因子為7.504。同時,發表的文章也受到國外很多科研組的關注,被包括“Journal of The American Chemical Society”、“Langmuir”、“Journal of Physical Chemistry C”、“ACS NANO”、“Journal of Materials Chemistry”以及“Colloid and Polymer Science”等重要國際學術期刊的文章引用近300次。單篇論文最高被引用112頻次。。
1. Beibei Shen, Yuan Ma, Shiyong Yu,*and Chenhui Ji “Smart Multifunctional Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Drug Delivery System for Cancer Thermo-Chemotherapy and Intracellular Imaging” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8, 24502−24508, 2016. (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces為美國化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子7.504)
2.Zhibing Tan, Miao Zhang, Chun Li,*, Shiyong Yu,*, and Gaoquan Shi* “A General Route to Robust Nacre-Like Graphene Oxide Films” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 15010−15016, 2015. (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces為美國化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子7.504)
3. Shiyong Yu, Xuechuan Gao, Huricha Baigude, Xiao Hai, Renfei Zhang, Xiaolong Gao, Beibei Shen, Zhao Li, Zhibing Tan, and Haiquan Su “Inorganic Nanovehicle for Potential Targeted Drug Delivery to Tumor Cells, Tumor Optical Imaging” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7, 5089-5096, 2015. (ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces為美國化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子7.504)
4. Beibei Shen, Xuechuan Gao, Shiyong Yu,* Yuan Ma and Chenhui Ji ”Fabrication and potential application of a di-functional magnetic system: magnetic hyperthermia therapy and drug delivery” CrystEngComm, 2016, 18, 1133–1138(CrystEngComm為英國皇家化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子3.474)
5. ShiYong Yu, Xuechuan Gao, Hui Jing, Jing Zhao, Hai-quan Su* “A synthesis and up-conversional photoluminescence study of hexagonal phase NaYF4:Yb,Er nanoparticles” CrystEngComm 2013,15, 10100–10106.(CrystEngComm為英國皇家化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子3.474)
6. Shiyong Yu, Xuechuan Gao, Hui Jing,Renfei Zhang,Xiaolong Gao and Haiquan Su* “Fabrication and characterization of novel magnetic/luminescent multifunctional nanocomposites for controlled drug release” CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 6645-6653. (影響因子3.474)
7. Shiyong Yu, Tao Zhang, Yanhong Xie, Qinghua Wang, Xuechuan Gao, Renfei Zhang, Yulong Zhang, Haiquan Su* “Synthesis and characterization of iron-based catalyst on mesoporous titania for photo-thermal F-T synthesis” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2015, 40, 870-877. (影響因子3.582)
8. YaRu Weng, Jing Zhao, Shiyong Yu* and Shuyan Song “Multifunctional visible/near-infrared luminescent core–shell magnetic silica structured nanocomposites”CrystEngComm, 2014,16, 6257-6262. (影響因子3.474)
9. Qinghua Wang, Shiyong Yu* Zhibing Tan, Renfei Zhang, Zhao Li, Xuechuan Gao, Beibei Shen and Haiquan Su* “Synthesis of small monodispersed Bi2O3-modified CeO2 nanospheres and their excellent photocatalytic activity under visible light for the degradation of RhB” CrystEngComm,2015,17, 671-677. (影響因子3.474)
10. Shiyong Yu, Dongri Wang, Yi Liu, Zhao Li, Xiaofei Zhang, Xuena Yang, Yufei Wang, Xiaojing Wang and Haiquan Su “Preparations and characterizations of γ-Ce2S3@SiO2 pigments from precoated CeO2 with improved thermal and acid stabilities” RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 23653-23657. (影響因子3.108)
11. Shiyong Yu, Jing Zhao, Xuechuan Gao, Renfei Zhang, Zhibing Tan and Haiquan Su “Bifunctional dual-modal luminescence nanocomposites: grafting down luminescence onto core–shell, up-conversional silica nanoarchitecture” RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 33749-33755. (影響因子3.108)
12. Ai, Jing; Chen, Yan; Jing, Hui; Gao, Xuechuan; Liu, Jiayin; Ma, Kexin; Suo, Jian; Yu, Shiyong*; Song, Shuyan* “Dynamic Release of Antibiotic Drug Gentamicin Sulfate from Novel Zirconium Phosphate Nano-Platelets” Science of Advanced Materials, 2014, 6, 2603-2610. (影響因子1.671)
13. YU Shiyong,WANG Dongri, GAO Xiaolong,SU Haiquan “Effects of the precursor size on the morphologies and properties of γ-Ce2S3 as a pigment”JOURNAL OF RARE EARTHS, 2014,Vol. 32, No. 6, 540-544. (影響因子2.429)
14. ShiYong Yu, Lianshe Fu, Yingjie Zhou, Haiquan Su “Novel bifunctional magnetic–near-infrared luminescent nanocomposites: near-infrared emission from Nd and Yb” Photochem. Photobiol. Sci. 2011, 10, 548-553(注:Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.是英國皇家化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子2.267)
15. ShiYong Yu, Hui Jing, Yunxia Zhi, Hai-quan Su* “The Luminescent Properties and Toxicity Controllability Investigation of Novel ZnO QDs with Schiff Base Complexes Modification” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14, 3299-3304. (SCI IF: 1.556)
16. ShiYong Yu, Yunxia Zhi, Hui Jing, Hai-quan Su* “Hydrothermal synthesis and luminescent properties of upconversion luminescence nanomaterials of co-doped CaF2:Er3+/Yb3+nano-assembly with controllable morphology” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014, 14, 3380-3386. (SCI IF: 1.556)
17. Shiyong Yu, Jing Zhao, Haiquan Su “Optical and Magnetic Properties of Zinc Oxide Quantum Dots Doped with Cobalt and Lanthanum” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2013, 13, 4066-4071(J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 為SCI收錄,影響因子1.556)
18. Shiyong Yu, Xuechuan Gao, Renfei Zhang, Zhao Li, Zhibing Tan, and Haiquan Su∗ “Synthesis and Characterization of α-ZrP@CHI Drug Deliver System” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16, 3628–3631.(J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 為SCI收錄,影響因子1.556)
19. Qinghua Wang, Xuechuan Gao, Renfei Zhang, Beibei Shen, Zhibing Tan, Zhao Li, and Shiyong Yu∗ “Decorated TiO2 Nanoparticles with La and Ag Elements to Improve Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light for the Degradation of MO” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16, 3587–3591. (J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 為SCI收錄,影響因子1.556)
20. Shiyong Yu, Renfei Zhang, Jing Zhao, Xuechuan Gao, Zhao Li, Zhibing Tan, and Haiquan Su∗ “Synthesis and Characteristic of the NaYF4/Fe3O4@SiO2@Tb(DBM)3·2H2O/SiO2 Luminomagnetic Microspheres with Core–Shell Structure” J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2016, 16, 3791–3795. (J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 為SCI收錄,影響因子1.556)
21. ShiYong Yu, Zhen Cao, Hai-quan Su* “One-Pot Template-Free Fabrication of Hollow ZnO Microprisms” J. Nanoeng. Nanomanuf. 2014, 4, 23-27. (SCI IF: 2.58)
22. ShiYong Yu, Yun Ma, Yunxia Zhi, Hui Jing, Hai-quan Su* “Synthesis of Cobalt–Based Catalyst Supported on TiO2 Nanotubes and its Fischer–Tropsch Reaction” Integrated Ferroelectrics 2013,147, 59–66.(Integrated Ferroelectrics為SCI收錄期刊)
23. Shi-Yong Yu, Wen-liang Huang, Yun Ma, Hai-quan Su* “Characterization of cobalt-based catalyst supported on CeO2 nanocubes for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis” Integrated Ferroelectrics 2012,138, 32–37.(Integrated Ferroelectrics為SCI收錄期刊)
24. Shiyong Yu, Cheng Wang, Jiangbo Yu, Weidong Shi, Ruiping Deng, Hongjie Zhang*, “Precursor Induced Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanostructured ZnO”, Nanotechnology2006, 17, 3607-3612.(注:Nanotechnology是英國物理學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子3.82)
25. Shiyong Yu, Hongjie Zhang*, Zeping Peng, Lining Sun, Weidong Shi, “Template-Free Fabrication of Hexagonal ZnO Microprism with an Interior Space”, Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 8019-8023.(注:Inorg. Chem.是美國化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子4.76)
26. Shiyong Yu, Hongjie Zhang,* Jiangbo Yu, Cheng Wang, Lining Sun, Weidong Shi,,“Bifunctional Magnetic Optical Nanocomposites: Grafting Lanthanide Complex onto Core–Shell Magnetic Silica Nano–Architecture”, Langmuir,2007, 23, 7836-7840.(注:langmuir是美國化學學會的重要核心期刊,SCI收錄,影響因子4.457)
27. 吳憲江, 于世泳*, 曾尚紅,蘇海全, 王宇輝,曹祯 “镨钕摻雜對γ-Ce2S3紅顔料性能的影響” 中國稀土學報, 2011, 29(6), 714-717.