1979-1983:内蒙古大學化學系讀本科,獲理學學士學位(Study in chemistry department of Inner Mongolia university,Bachelor of Science)
1983-1989:澳门京葡娱乐网化學系助教(Assistant professor of chemistry, Inner Mongolia university.)。
1990-1996:澳门京葡娱乐网化學系講師(Lecturer of chemistry department of Inner Mongolia university.)
1997-2003:澳门京葡娱乐网副教授(Associate professor,college of Chemistry and chemical engineering ,Inner Mongolia university)
2004至今:澳门京葡娱乐网教授(Professor, college of Chemistry and chemical engineering, Inner Mongolia university.)
1998至今:中國稀土學會,《稀土》雜志編委(Since 1998: the rare earth society of China, the editorial board of the magazine of rare earth
2008至今:中國化學學會理事(2008 to present: the director of Chinese chemical society.)
2011獲得内蒙古自然科學一等獎(排名第二)(2011 obtained the first prize of Inner Mongolia autonomous region natural science (ranking second))
稀土發光材料的合成及性質研究(Study on the synthesis and properties of rare earth luminescent materials.)
teach course: "Inorganic chemistry A1"( freshman course) and "rare earth element chemistry"( college sophomore course), "rare earth elements and materials chemistry"( graduate course).
The major project of Inner Mongolia natural science foundation : the research of rare earth organic fluorescence labeling materials with SiO2@RELn@SiO2 entrapment structure. The research fund is 500,000 yuan, 2015/01-1920/12.
1、Zhi-Fang Fu, Wen-Xian Li*, Juan Bai, Jin-Rong Bao, Xiao-fang Cao, Yu-Shan Zheng . Synthesis, Characterization and Luminescence of the Europium Perchlorate with MABA-Si Complex and Coating Structure SiO2@Eu(MABA-Si) Luminescence Nanoparticles . Luminescence, 2017,32:327-333
2.Wen-Xian Li, Yu-Shan Zheng, Xiao-fang Cao, Juan Bai, Zhi-Fang Fu, Jin-Rong Bao,
Yi-Lian Li . Preparation, characterization, and luminescence properties of dysprosium perchlorate with MABA-Si and phen or dipy complexes as well as SiO2@Dy(MABA-Si)L core-shell structure
nanometer luminescent composites. Journal of Luminescence,2016,178 (6) 470–478 ,2016,6,30
3.Shu-Yan Feng, Wen-Xian Li , Yu-Shan Zheng , Xiao-Dong Xin , Feng Guo , Xiao-Fang Cao .Syntheses and luminescence properties of two novel lanthanide (III) perchlorate complexes with phenacyl p-tolyl sulfoxide .Journal of Luminescence,2015,162(1):95-96
4.Jing Zhang, Wen-Xian Li*, Bo-Yang Ao, Shu-Yan Feng, Xiao-Dong Xin .Fluorescence Enhancement of Europium(III) Perchlorate by benzoic acid on Bis(benzylsulfinyl)methane Complex as well as the binding characteristics of Eu (III) complexes with bovine serum albumin (BSA).Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy. 2014, 118(1):972-980.
5.Wen-Xian Li*, Xiao-Dong Xin, Shu-Yan Feng, Yu Liu, Jing Zhang, Bo-Yang Ao, Ying-Jie Li.Fluorescence Enhancement of Europium(III) Perchlorate by 1,10-phenanthrolineon 1-(naphthalen-2-yl)-2-(phenylsulthio)ethanone Complex and Luminescence Mechanism . Luminescence, 2014, 29(10): 810–817
6.Shu-Yan Feng, Wen-Xian Li*, Feng Guo, Xiao-Fang Cao.Fluorescence Enhancement of Terbium (III) Perchlorate by 2, 2′-dipyridyl on Bis(benzylsulfinyl)methane Complex and Luminescence Mechanism .Luminescence , 2014,29(10): 791–797
7.Wen-Xian Lia*, Feng Guoa, Yu-Shan Zhengb, Xiao-Fang Caoa, Shu-Yan Fenga, Juan Baia , Xiao-Dong Xina.Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Two Novel Europium (III) Perchlorate Complex.es with Bis(benzylsulfinyl)methane and 1,10-Phenanthroline. Journal of Luminescence, 2014, 153(4):421–429
8.Wen-XianLi,Shu-YanFeng,YuLiu,JingZhang,Xiao-DongXin,Bo-YangAo,Ying-JieLi .Fluorescence enhancement of samarium (III) perchlorate by 1,10-phenanthroline on Phenylnaphthoylmethyl sulfoxide complex and luminescence mechanism .Journal of Luminescence ,
9.Wen-Xian Li* , Yu-Shan Zheng, Lahu Saiji, Ying-Jie Li, Jing Zhang, Bo-Yang Ao.Fluorescence Enhancement of Terbium(III) Perchlorate by 1,10-Phenanthroline on Acetophenonylcarboxymethyl Sulfoxide Complex and Luminescence Mechanism.Journal of Luminescence,2013,134(2):847–852
10 Wen-Xian Li*, Yu Liu, Wen-Juan Chai, Tie Ren, Ying-Jie Li, Jing Zhang, Bo-Yang Ao, Xiao-Jun Sun. Synthesis and Luminescence Properties of Two Novel Lanthanide (III) Complexes Coordinated Acetophenonylcarboxymethyl Sulfoxide . Luminescence 2013,28(4):302-307
11.Wen-Xian Li , Ying-Jie Li ,Wen-Juan Chai , Tie Ren ,Yu Liu , Jing Zhang , Bo-Yang Ao. Syntheses and Fluorescence Properties of Two Novel Lanthanide (III) Perchlorate Complexes with Bis(benzylsulfinyl)methane . Journal of Fluorescence ,2012, 22(2):651–658
12.Wen-Xian Li*, Wen-Juan Chai, Yu Liu, Ying-Jie Li, Tie Ren, Jing Zhang, Bo-Yang Ao. Fluorescence enhancement of rare earth Tb(III) by Tm(III) in benzyl benzoylmethyl sulfoxide
complexes.Luminescence, 2012,27(5):431–436
13 Wen-Juan Chai,Wen-XianLi*Xiao-JunSun,TieRen,Xiao-YanShi .Fluorescence enhancement of lanthanide(III) perchlorate by 1,10-phenanthroline in bis(benzoylmethyl) sulfoxide complexes and luminescence mechanism. Journal ofLuminescence, 2011,131(1):225–230
14 Wen-Xian Li* , Yu-Shan Zheng, Wen-Juan Chai, Tie Ren, Yu Liu,Ying-Jie Lia , Xiao-Jun Sun ,Gao-Wa Xing. Fluorescence emission mechanism and fluorescence property ofternary Tb(III) complex with diphenyl sulfoxide and bipyridine. Luminescence, 2011,26(6):754–76
15 Wen-Xian Li* , Yu-Shan Zheng, Xiao-Jun Sun, Xiao-Yan Shi , Wen-Juan Chai, Tie Ren.
Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of Lanthanide (III)Perchlorate Complexes with Naphthyl- naphthalinesulphonylpropyl Sulfoxide. Journal of Fluorescence (SpringerLink) ,2010, 20(1):235-241
16 Xiao-Jun Sun, Wen-Xian Li*, Wen-Juan Chai, Tie Ren, Xiao-Yan Shi.The studies of enhanced fluorescence in the two novel ternary rare-earth complex systems. Journal of Fluorescence (SpringerLink) ,2010, 20(2):453-461
17 Wenxian Li*,Wenjuan Chai, Xiaojun Sun, Tie Ren, Xiaoyan Shi. Synthesis and luminescence properties of two novel lanthanide (III) perchlorate complexes with bis(benzoylmethyl) sulfoxide and benzoic acid .Journal of Fluorescence (SpringerLink) ,2010, 20(4):873-880 .
18 Wen-Xian Li* , Yu-Shan Zheng, Xiao-Jun Sun, Wen-Juan Chai, Tie Ren, Xiao-Yan Shi
Enhanced Fluorescence of Tb (III), Dy (III) Perchlorate by Salicylic Acid in bis(benzoylmethyl) sulfoxide complexes and Luminescence mechanism. Journal of Luminescence ,2010,130 (8) 1455–1462 (1.81)
19 Lei Guo, Wen-XianLi*,Xiao-YanShi, Xiao-JunSun , Xue-LianSun .Enhanced luminescenceofrare-earthTb(III)byTm(III)inbis(benzoylmethyl) sulfoxide
Complexes ndintra-molecular nergytransfer .Journal of Luminescence,2009.129(6):639-644
20. Wen-Xian Li*, Lei Guo, Li-Juan Chen, Xiao-Yan Shi. Synthesis and fluorescence properties oflanthanide (III) perchlorate complexes with Bis(benzoylmethyl) Sulfoxide.Journal of Fluorescence (SpringerLink) ,2008,18(6):1043-1049.