胡 明
2019 年英國皇家化學會無機化學類期刊高被引作者;
1. 功能配合物化學(功能配位聚合物的構築; 熒光探針的研究)。
2. 稀土及過渡金屬功能材料化學。
2.内蒙古自然科學基金,納米孔徑内具有功能位點的d-f 異金屬配位聚合物作為瘦肉精便攜式熒光探針的研究,2021/01-2023/12,主持。
近五年來發表SCI期刊學術論文三十餘篇,其中包括Science China Chemistry,Inorganic Chemistry,Materials Today Chemistr,Journal of Materials Chemistry C,DaltonTransactions等國際期刊,獲得ESI化學類TOP1 %高被引論文;多次在中國化學會學術年會、中國化學會全國無機化學學術會議上做學術報告。
1. Yefang Yang, Dechao Li, ShaoWen Qie, Shuai Su, Ruijie Xu, Wenting Li, Wenping Hu, Ming Hu*. Cucurbit[6]Uril-Based Supramolecular Assembly: Its Syntheses, Structures, Capture of Heavy Metal Ions, and Sensing Properties. Science China Chemistry, 2024, 67. DOI: 10.1007/s11426-024-2235-6.
2. Wenping Hu, Nan Wu, Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Shaowen Qie, Shuai Su, Ruijie Xu, Wenting Li, Ming Hu*. The Fluorescence Distinction of Chiral Enantiomers: A Zn Coordination Polymer Sensor for the Detection of Cinchonine and Cinchonidine. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2024. DOI: 10.1039/D4TC03506B
3. (a). Dechao Li, Haowen Xing, Yefang Yang, Shuai Su, Wenting Li, Ming Hu*. Strategy of Constructing Ratio-Dependent Coordination Polymer Probes and Their Film Application with a Smart Phone for Detection of Lomefloxacin Hydrochloride and Sodium Salicylate. Inorganic Chemistry, 2024, 63, 19167-19178.
(b). Yuejiao Jia, Linxia Cui, Dechao Li,Yefang Yang, Shaowen Qie, Shuai Su, Ming Hu*, Rui Gao*. Achiral Sm( Ⅲ)-based Metal-organic Framework as a Luminescence Sensor for Enantiodiscrimination of Quinine and Quinidine, Inorganic Chemistry, 2023, 62, 16288−16293
4. Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Shuai Su, Yuejiao Jia, Haowen Xing, Ming Hu*. A Eu Coordination Polymer Sensor for the Detection of Tartrazine, Folic Acid, and Amino Acids. Microchemical Journal, 2024, 199: 109995.
5. Yefang Yang, Dechao Li, Shaowen Qie, Shuai Su, Ming Hu*. Composite Eu@Cd-Cp as a Fluorescent Probe for the Detection of Some Food Additives. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, 317: 124401.
6. Shaowen Qie, Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Xiaoyu Liang, Ming Hu*. A Tb-Mof Sensor with Sensitive Detection of Tryptophan and Dopamine Hydrochloride. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2024, 1309: 138191.
7. Shuai Su, Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Ruijie Xu, Wenping Hu, Wenting Li, Ming Hu*. A Multifunctional Fluorescent Eu-Mof Probe: Its Synthesis, Structure, and Sensing Properties. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2024, 38(7): e7524.
8. Wenting Li, Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Shuai Su, Shaowen Qie, Yuejiao Jia, Ming Hu*. Identification of S-Phenylmercapturic Acid Using Heterometallic Zn–Eu Mof as a Fluorescence Sensor. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2025, 1321: 139974.
9. Ruijie Xu, Dechao Li, Yefang Yang, Shaowen Qie, Wenping Hu, Wenting Li, Ming Hu*. Sensitive Detection and Visual Recognition of Jatrorrhizine Based on a Fluorescent Eu Coordination Polymer Probe. Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2024, e7800.
10. Yuejiao Jia, Dechao Li, Ming Hu*, A multifunctional probe based on a novel heterometallic MOF: highly selective detection of 1,3-dinitrobenzene, tryptophan, and visual recognition of pentavalent vanadate ions, Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 30, 101518.
11. Dechao Li, Yuejiao Jia, Zhang Li, Lu Liu, Nan Wu, Ming Hu*, HuIdentification of folic acid and sulfaquinoxaline using a heterometallic Zn–Eu MOF as a sensor, DaltonTransactions, 2023, 52, 696-702.
12. Yuejiao Jia, De Chao Li, Nan Wu, Shuai Su, Shaowen Qie, Ming Hu*, Detection of salbutamol and enantioselective sensing of L/D-lysine based on a cadmium-based coordination polymer,New Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 47, 674–680.
13. Nan Wu, Zhang Li, Yuejiao Jia, Dechao Li, Ming Hu*, Heterometallic organic framework: a highly selective functional probe for carmine and TNP Molecules, CrystEngComm, 2022, 24, 8434–8439.
14. Shengsheng Qi, Zhang Li, Yuejiao Jia, Dechao Li, Ming Hu*, A Zn-coordination polymer as a multifunctional fluorescent probe for the detection of V2O74- , Fe3+, and p-nitrotoluene, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 10090–10096.
15. Yuejiao Jia, Xiaoyu Liang, Ming Hu*, A Water Stable Luminescent Zn-Complex Sensor for Detection of PO43- Ion, Fe3+ Ion, and Nitroaromatic Explosives, Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 38, 1146-1151.
16. Lu Liu, Yuejiao Jia, Chen Chen, Dechao Li, Ming Hu*, A multifunctional fluorescent probe of Cd-MOF, synthesis, structure and its sensing properties,New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 8636 – 8643.
17. Zhengde Li, Zhiying Zhan, Yuejiao Jia, Zhang Li, Ming Hu*, A water-stable europium-MOF as a multifunctional luminescent sensor for some inorganic ions and dichloromethane molecule,Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2021, 97 ,180–187.
18. Zhang Li, Zhiying Zhan,Ming Hu*, A luminescent terbium coordination polymer as a multifunctional water-stable sensor for detection of Pb2+ ions, PO43− ions, Cr2O72− ions, and some amino acids,CrystEngComm,2020,22,6727.
19. Zhiying Zhan, Xiaoyu Liang, Yuejiao Jia, Ming Hu*, A water-stable europium MOF as a multifunctional luminescent sensor for some trivalent metal ions (Fe3+, Cr3+, Al3+), PO43- ions and nitroaromatic explosives, Dalton Transactions. 2019, 48, 1786–1794.
20. Zhiying Zhan, Yuejiao Jia, Donghua Li, Xiaolei Zhang, Ming Hu*, A water-stable terbium-MOF sensor for the selective, sensitive, and recyclable detection of Al3+ and CO32− ions, Dalton Transactions, 2019, 48, 15255-15262.
21. Xiaoyu Liang, Yuejiao Jia, Zhiying Zhan, Ming Hu*, A highly selective multifunctional Zn-coordination polymer sensor for detection of Cr (III), Cr (VI) ion, and TNP molecule, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2019, 33, e4988.
22. Xiaolei Zhang, Zhiying Zhan, Xiaoyu Liang, Chen Chen, Xiaoli Liu, YueJiao Jia, Ming Hu*, Lanthanide-MOFs constructed from mixed dicarboxylate ligands as selective multi- responsive luminescent sensors. Dalton Transactions. 2018, 47, 3272–3282.
23. Chen Chen, Xiaolei Zhang, Peng Gao, Ming Hu*, A water stable europium coordination polymer as fluorescent sensor for detecting Fe3+, CrO42-, and Cr2O72- ions, Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 2018, 258, 86–92.
24. Xiaoli Liu, Peng Gao, Ming Hu*, A novel hexanuclear Zn6 metallacycle as a luminescent sensor for the Fe3+ ion and CCl4 molecule, Polyhedron. 2018, 144, 119–124.
25. Xiaolei Zhang, Chen Chen, Xiaoli Liu, Peng Gao, Ming Hu*, Series of chiral interpenetrating 3d–4f heterometallic MOFs: Luminescent sensors and magnetic properties, Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2017, 253, 360–366.
26. Xiaolei Zhang, Yingying Bing, Peng Gao, Hui Bai, Ming Hu*, High sensitive luminescent sensing for nitrobenzene and iron(III) by uncommon Ln-MOFs containing open ketone group sites, Inorganica Chimica Acta 2017, 455, 98–104.